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1. Composició i information hiding

1.1. Exercici 3.2 - 3.3

   1 class Wallet(object):
   2     """
   3     >>> m1 = Wallet(6, 4, 3)
   4     >>> m2 = Wallet(1, 1, 1)
   5     >>> m1.value()
   6     29
   7     >>> m2.value()
   8     8
   9     >>> m2.add_coins(1, 3)
  10     >>> m2.add_coins(2, 4)
  11     >>> m2.add_coins(5, 5)
  12     >>> print m2
  13     wallet: [ 1 => 4  2 => 5  5 => 6 ]
  14     >>> m2.value()
  15     44
  16     >>> m1.te_canvi(6)
  17     True
  18     >>> print m1
  19     wallet: [ 1 => 6  2 => 4  5 => 3 ]
  20     >>> m1.canvi(6)
  21     (1, 0, 1)
  22     >>> print m1
  23     wallet: [ 1 => 5  2 => 4  5 => 2 ]
  25     """
  26     def __init__(self, q1=0, q2=0, q5=0):
  27         self.mon ={1:q1, 2:q2, 5:q5}
  29     def value(self):
  30         return sum([k*v for k,v in self.mon.items()])
  32     def add_coins(self, v, q):
  33         """
  34         Afegeix una quantitat de monedes d'un valor al moneder
  35         """
  36         self.mon[v] += q
  38     def add(self,m):
  39         """
  40         Suma dos moneders
  41         """
  42         for v in self.mon:
  43             self.mon[v] += m.mon[v]
  45     def __str__(self):
  46         s = "wallet: ["
  47         for k,v in self.mon.items():
  48             if v != 0: s += " %d => %d " %(k,v)
  49         return s + "]"
  51     def te_canvi(self, x):
  52         """
  53         Retorna si el monede conte suficient canvi per tornar x diners
  54         """
  55         c = x
  56         c5 = 0
  57         c2 = 0
  58         c1 = 0
  59         while c >= 5 and c5 < self.mon[5]:
  60             c -= 5
  61             c5 += 1
  62         while c >= 2 and c2 < self.mon[2]:
  63             c -= 2
  64             c2 += 1
  65         while c >= 1 and c1 < self.mon[1]:
  66             c -= 1
  67             c1 += 1
  68         return c == 0
  70     def canvi(self, x):
  71         """
  72         Retorna el nombre de monedes de cada valor que es treuen del moneder 
  73         per tornar el canvi
  74         """
  75         c = x
  76         n5=0
  77         n2=0
  78         n1=0
  79         if self.te_canvi(c):
  80             while c >= 5 and self.mon[5] != 0:
  81                 self.mon[5] -= 1
  82                 n5 += 1
  83                 c -= 5
  84             while c >= 2 and self.mon[2] != 0:
  85                 self.mon[2] -= 1
  86                 n2 += 1
  87                 c -= 1
  88             while c >= 1 and self.mon[1] != 0:
  89                 self.mon[1] -= 1
  90                 n1 += 1
  91                 c -= 1
  92         return (n5, n2, n1)

1.2. Exercici 3.4

   1 class Cotxe(object):
   2     def __init__(self, matric, model, color, tipus):
   3         """
   4         matrícula(str)
   5         model(str)
   6         color(str)
   7         tipus de motor(bool)  dièsel(True)  benzina(False)
   8         """
   9         self.mat=matric
  10         self.mod=model
  11         self.col=color
  12         self._tip=tipus
  14 class Garatge(object):
  15     def __init__(self):
  16         self._ll=[]
  18     def add(self, c):
  19         v=0
  20         for cot in self._ll:
  21             if cot.mat == c.mat:
  22                 v += 1
  23         if v == 0:
  24             self._ll.append(c)
  26     def treure(self, mat):
  27         for c in self._ll:
  28             if c.mat == mat:
  29                 return c
  31     def num_cotxes(self):
  32         return len(self._ll)
  34 Opcio 2:
  36 from random import randint
  37 class Cotxe(object):
  38     def __init__(self,mat,mod,col,tip):
  40         self.mat=mat
  41         self.mod=mod
  42         self.col=col
  43         self.tip=tip
  45 class Garatge(object):
  46     def __init__(self):
  47         self._gar=[]
  49     def afegir(self,c):
  50         trobat=True
  51         for element in self._gar:
  52             if element.mat == c.mat:
  53                 trobat= False
  54         if trobat:
  55             self._gar.append(c)
  57     def treure(self,mat):
  59         for i,element in enumerate(self._gar):
  60             if element.mat== mat:
  61                 a= self._gar[i]
  62                 del self._gar[i]
  63         return a
  65     def ocupacio(self):
  67         return len(self._gar)
  69     def aleatori(self):
  70         a=randint(0,self.ocupacio()-1)
  71         b=self._gar[a]
  72         del self._gar[a]
  73         return b

1.3. exercici 3.6

   1 from random import randint
   2 class Cotxe(object):
   3     def __init__(self,mat,mod,col,tip):
   5         self.mat=mat
   6         self.mod=mod
   7         self.col=col
   8         self.tip=tip
  10     def tostring(self):
  11         a= str(self.mat)+','+ str(self.mod)+','+str(self.col)+','+str(self.tip)
  12         return a
  13     def fromstring(self,s):
  14         a=s.strip(',')
  15         self.__init__(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3])

2023-07-03 11:46